
Clear Truth Media exists to provide doctrinally-sound and biblically-accurate content to help the Evangelical Church stand for truth in the Public Squares.  

We are committed to the following: 

  1. Unifying around Core Doctrine. 

  2. Sharing cultural convictions in alignment with orthodox doctrine and historical Christianity. 

  3. Engaging culture and restoring truth to the public squares. 


The established platforms of the previous 20-50 years of Evangelicalism have caved to cultural marxism and liberal theology leaving a vacuum of good content and pastoral training.

In this absence, both church leaders and everyday saints are left without reliable voices. In order to re-train pastors and provide solid content to the church, a new platform must emerge that holds onto historical Christian doctrine and applies the Biblical lens to the important cultural issues of our day. 


Clear Truth Media aims to serve the new post-denominational middle ground of American Evangelicalism by serving pastors, church leaders, and everyday saints with consistent and good content. 

Isaiah 59:14 says that “...truth has stumbled in the Public Squares…” We believe that post-denominationalism is part of the solution to restore truth where it has been lost. 

We want to be clear that post-denominationalism is not ecumenism. We are interested in unity within the Evangelical church. We define post-denominationalism as the following: 

Post-denominationalism is a group of believers who unify around Evangelical core-doctrine, believe the Bible is as relevant today as the day it was written, and intentionally choose to discuss not divide over secondary-issues.

In post-denominationalism not everyone will agree on all doctrinal, methodological, or structural points. People within the post-denominational world will vary greatly on many elements but can choose to be part of post-denominationalism particularly because they see the need for unity and clear biblical truth in a post-Christian culture.

Post-denominationalism as a church movement is Christendom from a variety of Evangelical doctrinal, methodological, and structural positions intentionally unifying around core doctrine, preaching clear biblical truth, and engaging the community by re-entering the Public Square. 

In post-denominationalism, churches enter a new acceptable middle ground of Christianity that affirms core doctrine and member churches work together to reestablish truth in the Public Squares. This is not about compromising core convictions as much as it is choosing to unify around even deeper convictions. 

Justice is turned back,
    and righteousness stands far away;
for truth has stumbled in the
public squares,
    and uprightness cannot enter.

Isaiah 59:14

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