
In a confused world, we do not need an ambiguous church. 

“Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far away; for truth has stumbled in the Public Squares, and uprightness cannot enter. Truth is lacking, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. The Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no justice.” 

Isaiah 59:14-15 

We are a group of writers, podcasters, pastors, and everyday saints committed to historical Christianity and its cultural applications. The church is called “the pillar and the buttress of the truth”; Jesus himself said that “the truth will set us free” and he prayed “that would be sanctified in truth, his word is truth.” Truth matters. We have it and the world needs it.

Prior to the dismal state of society found in Isaiah 59:14 the earlier part of chapter 59 shows us how they arrived at that place: the church fell first. 

The same has happened in 21st century America. While the church prior to 2020 generally held to traditional orthodoxy and cultural conservatism, many of American evangelicalism’s prominent leaders and institutions were beginning a subtle Leftward drift. Then 2020 hit, and with BLM, COVID, and the queer movement, the masks came off and the corruption of our Evangelical institutions became abundantly clear.

Evangelicalism wasn’t what we thought it was. Many of the platforms, thought leaders, websites, discipleship tools, and pastoral training that had informed the previous era of evangelicalism proved to be no longer theologically sound. 

We are left with a mess. Our pastorate has been trained by closet liberals and their influence has swept through the church. Many believers have been trained not to be defenders of truth but cogs in the Church, Inc machinery. 

The church has fallen and culture has followed. Truth has stumbled in the public squares. 

Clear Truth Media aims to reform the church, re-educate the believer, and restore truth where it has been lost. 

We need colleges, discipleship tools, conferences, websites, books, pastoral training, and more. And it needs to be clear. In a confused world, we do not need an ambiguous church. 

Clear Truth means we believe the Bible as the church has historically understood it. We are committed to orthodox Christian doctrine and believe it needs to be taught in every church in America. 

Clear Truth means we are a post-denominational group of believers more committed to church unity around core doctrine than we are in elevating the doctrines that have divided us for hundreds of years. 

Clear Truth means we aren’t ambiguous about the important issues affecting our culture today. We understand how the “empty philosophies” have taken captive the minds of believers around the world. We need to identify these philosophies and present the Biblical counterpoints. These philosophies include critical theory, cultural marxism, socialism, gender theory, and more. 

Clear Truth means we aren’t afraid to expose how lies and deception are causing people to fall into sin. We call people to repentance and lay out the issues that are deceiving our world. We affirm the following: 

  • Biblical marriage is between a man and a woman. 

  • Biblical sexuality is man and woman in marriage; all else is sinful.  

  • Biblical justice over social justice 

  • The word of God is sufficient for our sanctification and transformation. 

Clear Truth means we encourage believers to engage in the public squares. This includes: 

  • Voting your faith or running for office

  • Supporting Christian education 

  • Taking public stands for truth  

  • Serving the poor 

  • Opposing abortion 

  • Championing Biblical perspectives on race, work, and victimhood 

And of course, Clear Truth means doing all of this in love, because love and truth are never separated in the word of God. Love is truth, and truth is love. 

When we write, speak, record, and influence we remember the words in Leviticus 19:17: “you shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him.” 

So in love, grace, and truth we present this site as a collection of post-denominational Christians committed to encouraging, emboldening, and equipping the church for the work of re-establishing truth in the public squares, for His glory and for humanity’s good.